Educational centers

The Department of Economic and Social Geography delivers training on Geodemography (specialization 1–31 02 01-05, this is the only program in Belarus and in CIS countries). The training courses are taught on population geography, population issues and demographic security, forecasting and modeling of demographic processes and migration, family demography and gender policy, socio-economic demography and labor market, etc.

The Department of Demography delivers courses on demography for undergraduate students on Sociology, Economics, Public Administration, Applied Political Science and World Economy and International Affairs. The Department also offers a Master’s programme in demography.

The educational institution offers Bachelor’s degree in Historical Demography, Master’s degree in Economic and Social History, as well as Doctor of Philosophy in the chosen profile.

The Institute offers Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Master’s degree in Demography, Master’s degree in Migration, and Master’s degree in Gender Issues based on relevant demographic training courses.

The Center offers Bachelor’s degree in public geography and planning, Master’s degree in Demographic Studies, Master’s degree in demography and social inequality, Master’s degree in sociology and demography, and Master’s degree in spatial sciences.

The training program consists of several thematic modules aimed at providing a reliable interdisciplinary training for specialists in the field of population, health and data science. The School offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Demography. The school offers a wide range of online training programs, training courses and online seminars.

The Department of Demography and Geodemography offers programs in demography for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. The undergraduate program focuses on the study of demography combined with social geography, sociology and economics. The Master’s program further explores various topics of demography and is open to students from other departments of the University. Doctoral students, building on their existing knowledge and skill base in their own research projects, learn to use the resources available to successfully defend their thesis.

The Center offers one-year program leading to the Master of Science degree in Demography and two-year program leading to the Master of Science degree in Planning and Demography. Doctoral students from affiliated faculties who wish to pursue a degree in demography or population health may do so under the guidance of a research fellow at the Center. Training takes place in accordance with the areas of research: children, youth and family; differences in health and survival; environment and health; fertility and reproductive health; stress processes; statistical and mathematical demography.

The Department of Demography provides training intended to increase the understanding of the size, distribution, composition and growth of human populations. The training program focuses on developing an understanding of the conceptual basis of population structure, processes, analytical methods, and related policy issues. The department offers a Ph.D. and Master of Science in Applied Demography. The focus areas of the programs are on the application of demographic analyses to policy issues encountered in the public and private sectors.

The graduate training program in population studies offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in demography that is designed for students who wish to specialize in the core substantive topics and technical methods. The students may obtain a joint degree in Demography and Social Policy. The program offers a non-degree Certificate in Demography to those who successfully complete four graduate courses in population studies: POP 501/SOC 531, POP 502/SOC 532.

The Programme offers undergraduate and graduate courses on Social Demography, Urban and Spatial Demography, Demographic Methods, Migration. The Programme offers doctorate course on Social Demography. In addition, it is possible to take training courses on specialized topics, such as Urban and Spatial Demography, Segregation and Inequality (seminar SOCI 647 Seminar in Demography and Human Ecology).

The core research and training areas of the School include the following: Asian demography, fertility, family formation and change, mortality, ageing and health, migration. Undergraduate students can choose demography as a core or minor subject in the Bachelor of Arts program or in a flexible combined degree. Students with a particular interest in political studies may consider pursuing a specialization in population change within the MA in Public Policy. The Schools provides the possibility of obtaining a Master’s degree (MPhil, RSSS) and degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, RSSS) in demography.

The Center operates within the framework of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The Center conducts training and research in the following areas: population ageing and health; children and youth, human development; fertility and marriage, gender relations and family policy. The academic disciplines allow for in-depth study of the key methods of research in social sciences, including demography. The Center regularly hold seminars and master classes on regional demography.

The Department delivers Bachelor programs in the field of social work, expressive art therapy, non-profit personnel management, as well as Master programs on mental health, counseling, gerontology, social service management. The Department delivers PhD programs in the field of sociology and demography.