About us

About the Demographic Resource Center

The Demographic Resource Center was established in the Republic of Belarus in the Belarusian State University with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) within the framework of the international technical assistance Project “Strengthening Capacity of the Republic of Belarus in the Area of Collection, Analysis, and Use of Demographic Data for the Sustainable Development of the Country” (reg. No. 2/21/001130 of 15.03.2021). It is a thematic website that aims to integrate and hub information and intellectual resources in the field of demography in the Republic of Belarus. The key objectives of the Demographic Resource Center are as follows:

  • information and scientific and methodological support to educational and scientific processes in the field of demography;
  • dissemination of promising research experience, informing the pedagogical community about the results of work;
  • conducting scientific research, innovation, project activities;
  • identification of educational needs in the field of demography among pedagogical and scientific workers in educational institutions;
  • advising pedagogical and scientific workers of educational institutions, providing them with information and methodological support;
  • strengthening the capacity of the Belarusian State University by hubbing intellectual and information resources in the field of demography.

The web site is designed for domestic and foreign experts, scientists and researchers in the field of demography and related sciences who may find this web site interesting and useful. Teachers from various institutions of general secondary and university education may also find it interesting, as well as their pupils and students, with regards to issues related to demography and geography of the population. The target audience of this Project may also include government officials, media workers, business analysts and marketing specialists from the service sector, any other users with nonoccupational interest to demographic issues.

The Regulations on the Demographic Resource Center


Scientific Consultant of the Demographic Resource Center:
Ekaterina A. Antipova, Doctor of Geography, Professor of Department of Economic and Social Geography, Belarusian State University
Tel. (+37517) 209-54-94, E-mail: Antipova@bsu.by

Website Developer, Technical Consultant:
Andrey V. Pupko, Head of the Department of Network and Internet Technologies, Center of Information Technologies, Belarusian State University
Tel. (+37517) 209-50-97, E-mail: Pupko@bsu.by

Content Consultant, Website Editor:
Ulyana U. Kot, Lecturer of Department of Economic and Social Geography, Belarusian State University
Tel. (+37517) 209-54-94, E-mail: KotUV@bsu.by

The demographic resource center was created with the support of the international technical assistance project “Strengthening the Scientific and Educational Capacity of the Republic of Belarus in the Area of Collection, Analysis, and Use of Demographic Data for the Sustainable Development” (reg. No. 2/21/001130 of 15.03.2021).