Июнь 2024
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12.06 Европейская конференция по народонаселению-2024 (г. Эдинбург, Шотландия)

Европейская конференция по народонаселению пройдет с 12 по 15 июня 2024 года в г. Эдинбург (Шотландия). Европейская организация демографических исследований (EAPS) организует Европейскую конференцию по народонаселению с 1987 года. Конференция является главным событием EAPS и ведущим научным собранием в области изучения населения. Эксперты из самых разных областей, в том числе исследователи, политики и заинтересованные стороны, обсуждают последние достижения в области демографических исследований, демографические тенденции и динамику, а также их причины и последствия. Конференция проводится каждые два года в разных европейских городах в сотрудничестве с местными партнерами-организаторами.

24.06 20th Migration Summer School

The 20th Migration Summer School will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about recent trends in research on the transnational governance of international migration, asylum, and mobility. During ten days at the European University Institute, high-level scientific expertise will be blended with extensive scope for participants to discuss their ideas and develop their professional and career outlooks.

The Migration Summer School will follow a problem-oriented approach to encourage critical engagement. Participants will be supported by extensive background material, debates, group work, individual drop-in sessions with trainers, and sessions during which participants can present their projects. The Summer School provides a unique opportunity to take advantage of the unique research facilities of the European University Institute (including the Library) and to network with an enriching mix of postgraduate students, civil servants, officials at international organisations, representatives from NGOs and other civil society organisations, journalists, policy analysts, and teachers from around the world.

The Migration Summer School will have a global focus through the inputs of professors and researchers from the Migration Policy Centre, supplemented by distinguished keynote speakers. During the first week of the Migration Summer School, we will cover the following topics: migration drivers, migration impacts, migration attitudes, and labour migration. In the second week, we will focus on irregular migration, development and protection, citizenship and integration, and asylum and refugee protection.

A key objective of the Migration Summer School is to create a collaborative experience for all participants. The combined insights from political, economic, sociological, legal, anthropological, and practice-based approaches to the study of migration will provide participants with a deeper understanding of one of the most complex and multifaceted phenomena affecting governments and society across the globe.

Follow the updates on Twitter with the hashtag #MPCSummerSchool.

The Migration Summer School is partially funded by the EUI Widening Europe Programme.

The EUI Widening Europe Programme initiative, backed by contributions from the European Union and EUI Contracting States, is designed to strengthen internationalisation, competitiveness, and quality in research in the so-called Widening countries, and thus foster a more cohesive European Higher Education and Research area.

26.06 Seminar to get to know about im-/mobility patterns over time of the rejected asylum seekers in Germany

In EU countries, the rejection of asylum applications usually entails a return decision, evoking an obligation to leave the country within a certain period of time. Yet, substantial numbers of rejected asylum seekers do not comply with this legal obligation, at least not within the specified time. As a consequence, rejected asylum seekers are frequently stuck in limbo, at the interplay of (irregular) stay, voluntary return, onward migration, and forced return. Being a hard-to-reach and vulnerable population group, little is known about im-/mobility trajectories of rejected asylum seekers. Yet, a better understanding of the im-/mobility trajectories of asylum seekers who are legally obliged to leave the EU is vital for the design of adequate return and regularisation policies - especially in the light of current policy shifts towards asylum seekers with rejection or revocation decisions across different EU countries.

In this presentation, Laura Peitz presents unique insights into im-/mobility trajectories based on administrative data of the German Central Register of Foreign Nationals. The dataset used comprises socio-demographic information as well as longitudinal data on entry and exit, asylum and residence status of all rejected asylum seekers in Germany between 2013 and 2022). Using time-to-event data analysis, Laura traces im-/mobility patterns over time and shows whether, when, and in which ways (voluntary return, forced return, regularization) states of limbo are ended. The presentation shows that voluntary return and regularization play similarly important roles in ending the legal obligation to leave, but with very different temporal dynamics. At the same time, forced return plays a noticeable minor part. Heterogeneity analyses show differing patterns between groups of rejected asylum seekers, such as across types of tolerated stay and countries of origin.

Демографический ресурсный центр создан при поддержке проекта международной технической помощи «Укрепление научного и образовательного потенциала Республики Беларусь в области сбора, анализа и использования демографических данных для достижения целей устойчивого развития» (рег. №2/21/001130 от 15.03.2021).